About us

The odd one out in the medical landscape. Get to know us.

Vossensteyn Biomedical is a start-up with a broad vision in the field on medicines. Vossensteyn Biomedical has a clear view of the microbiological world and applies this in its own way. Together with doctors and microbiologists, we develop new medicines and new treatment methods for existing health problems, but we also use older treatment methods for new health problems. Solutions for many health problems are within reach if you know where and how to look.

What we are known for

Unique view on the microbiological world

Works with various medical institutions

Unique collaborations with Universities in the Netherlands and abroad

Developing medication exclusively with natural substances. Administration via a medical evaporation method

Vostesyl is a promising experimental medicine for many viral infections. Developed primarily against the COVID-19 virus.
In addition to its antiviral properties, Vostesyl also has a protective effect. Vostesyl is currently in the testing phase in collaboration with the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU)

Our solutions

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